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one to one Coaching

I aim for transparency in all my pricing - details are on each individual booking page

Choose Where to start


This is an overview your basic financial health and can identify possible areas to focus on for the future - or maybe just provide the reassurance that all is well!


A custom questionnaire to help us both understand where you are currently, followed up by a meeting, plus lots of resources.

Money Service

Everything in the MOT but with more time to identify goals, dreams and potential stumbling blocks. We can look at specific problem areas and make a financial health plan. 


A custom questionnaire, as in the MOT, and plenty of follow up time over two separate sessions, plus lots of resources.

Pay as you go

Support charged by the hour for as long as you need it, as often as you need it. I don't have longer set 'programs' and prefer to work in a way that meets you exactly where you are at the time, and meet your unique circumstances and budget.

What even is A money coach anyway?

We are definitely not the same thing as a Financial Advisor.....


A Money Coach won't give you financial advice...

Huh? What do they do then?

A money coach* will take time to understand your situation and help you gain clarity about your finances. This can be anything from understanding how to make your ends meet and start saving, to aligning an unexpcted inheritance to your values and vision for the future.  The modern financial world is complex and most of us are thoroughly unprepared to understand and make it work for us. Never in history have we had so much responsibility for our own financial wellbeing and so little preparation for this responsibility. I can help you understand any financial products you have and help you identify any that you need.  However I will never recommend particular products - I will empower you to make choices that are right for you, and these new skills can last a lifetime.


I also support you in thinking about how your daily money habits align with your goals and values, and if there is anything that is blocking your aspirations. We can work on the skills and confidence needed to make your finances work for you, and - whisper it - bring you happiness - whether that's budgeting, saving - or indeed spending! 


A regulated financial advisor or planner is carefully aligned to stringent codes of conduct to give you specific advice about financial products such as pensions and investments. They carry legal responsibility for the advice they give. They can recommend actual products as being right for you and they make their living mainly from commission. These days they work hard for their commission and some are much more aware of financial wellbeing than they used to be. They can be incredibly useful if you identify a financial product or advice that you need, but they are not the same thing as a coach.


*Money Coaches are sometimes called Financial Coaches  - same thing really, but different to Financial Advisors or Financial Planners

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