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Please forgive any nonsense!

Money Stuff?


I'd Love to help you...

...with the Money Stuff that weighs you down. Together we can empower you to take charge of your money - and your life.


Because Life can be complicated...

.... and more often than not the complications are tangled up with money. Yet we are rarely taught the skills we need - either at school or at home - to feel confident and make good decisions around money. It's a subject often avoided and we are expected to just muddle it all out as we go along. A Money Coach is somebody on your team, helping you bring clarity to any situation without judgment.


Everyone can be good with money.

It's easy to get coaching...

...with different and affordable ways to work with me.

One to One Coaching

This is working together in one to one meetings, with fixed affordable packages or flexible ongoing help. I find online meetings do actually work really well, but if you prefer, and  you are local to Brighton we can meet in person. I pride myself in making talking together about money as

relaxing and fun as possible, while never avoiding the real challenges. 

Which way works for you?

Sometimes it really helps to work with the support of a group. We can offer mutual support to each other, laughs, cups of tea, and make the whole world of paperwork and money seem a lot less frightening. I hold meetings in my home and it's a great affordable way to make a start.

"I can never seem to save anything even though I earn plenty, and I worry about it all the time"

"I recently lost my wife and she did all the paperwork - I just feel really lost"

I have a dream of giving up my job and going it alone, but can I afford it? What do I need to take into account?

"I just keep putting off the important admin jobs, I just can't face them, they seem overwhelming"

"I've had an inheritance and I'm a bit freaked out, I don't know what's the best way to look after it"

So What's Your money Story?

"I'm just starting my first job and I want to understand how money, tax and pensions work, I feel like nobody taught me this stuff"

"I'd love to have some idea when I can retire and what kind of pension I might have - it all seems so complicated!"

"I'm scared to tell anyone about my credit card debt, and I don't know how I'm going to pay it off"


I'm a Money Coach, which means that I coach people who come to me with financial issues but I have insight and sensitivity into how financial issues extend into all areas of life. I can help you with a wide range of issues - from improving your budgeting skills to addressing underlying stresses and behavioural patterns that keep coming back to sabotage your best intentions. You are always the expert in your own life and a good coach will not impose their own ideas or judgements on you.

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